
What Kind of Bird Food Should You Use?

Carol Mund

Looking to attract a particular bird?  A great article from National Audubon Society pretty much covers it! Black-oil Sunflower Seed:  This will attract the widest variety of species, including: Chickadees, titmice, cardinals, and nuthatches. White Millet: Ground-feeding species, such as juncos and sparrows favor this food. To Order: Cole’s MI10 White...

Understanding Plumbing Fittings

Carol Mund

Whether you’re replacing a pump or adding additional plumbing, understanding plumbing fittings can be very confusing to most people.  The single biggest reason for confusion is probably due to its sizing.  PVC pipe is size and named based on its inside diameter (ID) of the pipe.  And this ID is...

Helping Frogs Survive the Winter

Carol Mund

In the winter, frogs might seek refuge in your pond.  Being ectothermic or cold-blooded, frogs regulate their body temperature by exchanging heat with their surroundings.  These surroundings can be mud in a deep plant pocket or a potted plant located in a deep area of the pond, preferably below the...

Fall and Winter Pond Care

Carol Mund

Pond water quality is usually at its best in the fall because of fewer water battles with algae.  Fall is also the one time of year where your pond may need daily maintenance. Falling Leaves Prepare the pond for the autumnal leaf fall by purchasing a fine-meshed pond net.  Remove leaves...